Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ideology Influenced by Culture.

            What is the relationship between culture and one’s ideology?  The very nature of a culture is dependent on its inhabitants and the environment in which you live.  In the same manner, the inhabitants are shaped by the culture in itself.  It is safe to say that culture is truly the individuals of a given area.  These individuals shape the culture that is present in their community that in turns shapes their actions and motives.  There is one thing that I find difficult to comprehend about culture, that is the idea that everyone in that area believes in the same ideology of that specific culture, and culture has either a positive or a negative influence on the individual’s ideas.
            Ideology is ones’ goals, expectations, and actions and I believe that these goals, expectations, and actions can be influenced by culture.  I have grown up in what some would consider the ghetto but to me it is home.  The culture that has surrounded me has given me a very specific perspective on life.  Culture influences ones’ ideology because it is the environment that you have grown up in.  The stigmas, that the ghetto is not a safe place, have shaped my actions dramatically.  They have forced me to be more aware of my surroundings and to watch what I say because it may cause some trouble.  However, it is not a bad thing because it is actually a very good life skill to know how to bite ones tongue at the proper moment.  I have also learned some of my life goals.  I have seen the pain and suffering of those that are less privileged in my environment and those that have struggled day after day to make ends meet.  I want to be able to help these people and to find a way to make their lives better.  Some say the ghetto may be a bad place to live but for me, I call it home and I find that it has shaped me into a tremendous individual that has the needs of others weighing on my heart.
            In class, we talked about Public Enemy’s song, “Don’t Believe the Hype”.  In this song, Public Enemy is talking about the stereotypes have been placed on African Americans.  Culture has placed these negative ideas (ideology) on the members of society.  This is a very strong claim by Public Enemy to rebuke the stigmas that culture places upon African Americans.  Public Enemy’s states, “They claim that I'm a criminal.  By now, I wonder how, some people never know.  The enemy could be their friend guardian.  I’m not a hooligan… Don’t Believe The Hype.”  Public Enemy is attempting to break down the barriers and is preaching the message that the culture’s ideology of African Americans is wrong.  Culture has a strong influence on the individual’s ideology. However, it can have a positive or a negative impact on ones’ ideology.
            Culture projects a specific message for a community in order to influence one’s ideas.  For advertising, it is said that sex sells.  I believe this is true because the commercials are always portraying a supermodel of some sort wearing little more than a skimpy bikini.  With this in mind, the individual may be more apt to buy the product because it is the thought of “that person is gorgeous so the product must work.”  In this way, culture can shape our ideology.  Please see this video for an example (I apologize for it being in spanish.)
            Culture and ideology go hand in hand.  Ideology is based on the image that a culture projects onto the individual.  That individual then bases his personal ideology on the ideas that society (culture) has installed.  Some ideas may be good while others may be bad.  It is up to the individual to decide whether he wants to believe the stigmas that culture projects or to disregard it and as Public Enemy says, “Don’t Believe the Hype”.


  1. I agree with what you said about one's culture shaping his or her ideology, and I also agree that it is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, Americans DO need to be careful traveling to certain areas of the middle east; we believe it is dangerous for a reason. I do also, however, believe that people need to take extra caution with their ideologies so that ideologies do not turn into stereotypes. For example, turning travel to the middle east is dangerous for Americans into middle easterners are dangerous to Americans.

  2. Within the context of what we've been talking about in class, doesn't ideology refer to a discourse that is false or misleading because it's mystifying? In this sense, what do you make of the demystification of this type of ideology?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. While we have been talking about ideologies and how they influence/are influence by culture, I like that you addressed the fact that we have the ability to analyze what those ideologies mean and decide for ourselves if they are good or bad or misleading. I also thought you had good examples and I agree that advertisements use a lot of sneaky tools to mislead consumers. It's all about branding right?

  5. I think you make an interesting connection between culture and ideology, and how they are closely connected. It also almost seems as if the line between the two is a bit blurred. Do you think people have a certain ideology before they claim a "culture" or do you think a person is born into a certain culture, from which derives their ideology? Also, would you argue that culture is the only or main influence on a person's ideology?

  6. LBROWN: I believe that people are born into a culture and that the social factors that surround them will shape their ideology. There are also other reasons to affect one's ideology. I only focused on culture in this blog.
    Marissa: Yes it is just like branding as well.
    Ramblings: If you are asking what this ideology reveals, then I believe that I am focusing on that culture will reveal ones' personal ideology because it affects the thought process of the individual.
    KEBLOGGING: I agree with you that Americans do need to be careful but I believe there is a certain extent that American's can be too careful.
